The columbarium, which has turned a disused space in the cathedral into a beautiful chapel of rest, was installed in September and almost half of the 240 niches have been reserved. Many people who have purchased a niche have received all their sacraments in the cathedral and are overjoyed to know they will be laid to rest there.
In addition to the many local people who have bought a niche, a number have been bought by people from other counties and countries. Niches have been reserved by people in England and America for the remains of loved ones who had a wish to be buried in Ireland.
The columbarium is helping the parish of Ennis to meet an unmet need in society, fulfil a corporal work of mercy and earn a valuable income from the proceeds of the niches.
If you would like to see how a columbarium could benefit your organisation, please contact Joseph O’Neill on 085 214 8301 or